About Us

Jeff Rawson, Founder

I’m passionate about public health and chemistry, and focused on the challenges that accompany cannabis. Our society’s relationship to cannabis is changing profoundly. Because of its unique status in society, cannabis has not enjoyed the intense scrutiny by physical scientists that it deserves. The Institute of Cannabis Science aims to close the gap between our society’s current knowledge and the knowledge we need to manage cannabis.

2022-present — President, Institute of Cannabis Science

2021-present — Curriculum Development and Lab TA, Harvard University

2018-2022 — Postdoctoral Fellow, Harvard University

George M. Whitesides Group, Chemistry

2014-2022 — Postdoctoral Researcher, Juelich Research Center

Paul Koegerler, Magnetochemistry

2014 — Ph.D., Duke University 

Michael Therien Group, Chemistry